Thursday, January 8, 2009

Football is back!

I blogged last fall about the fact that I miss football when David is away (which was code for I miss my football-loving husband!). Well, it is BACK! I am looking at him right now, decked out in his Gator jersey, watching the BCS championship. Bless his heart, he is serious about his Gators and serious about football. He planned the whole week around grilling ribs tonight in preparation for the game. As soon as he got home from work, he put on his jersey and his game face.

The best part is that the kids are all excited with him. He has wanted this for a long time. He has tried to get them to watch before, but they are not always interested. Yes, from the beginning of their lives he has tried to share his love of the Gators with his children. . .

When I was pregnant with Jessa and staying at mom's,
David had this outfit sent to me. She was not even BORN yet!

Isn't that the cutest?? Our second little gator. . .

My father had similar hopes for his children. I am sure it broke his heart when I sat in Sanford Stadium on more than one occasion with my back to the field while I cleaned out my purse or painted my fingernails. It is amazing how I could use the concrete seat as a work surface and just sit on the floor. (sorry, Daddy.) Luckily, at least with Lucas, it took.
Jacksonville bound GA fans: Daddy, Lucas, and Lucas's friend, Bama

Now, they are still not glued to the game. They are fired up, though, and Jess has not gotten out any nail polish. They also enjoyed our pre-game feast. And when Spencer heard the pre-game announcer say something about "Florida" he perked up and said, "Dad, he said Flar-dah!" And Jessa is drawing and coloring footballs, goal posts, and even a gator.
It says "I heart U" and that is a gator.
Spencer has burst out in spontaneous, "GO GATORS!" several times. Whenever they get excited, I see this sweet look of pride and love and bliss come across my David's face.
He has dreamed of this!
Jessa has her big gator out to cheer them on.
Spencer had no nap, so he conked out in my lap.
So no pics of him. But he is dreaming of football, I am sure.

Jessa made up the "sweet legs"dance early in the game. David credits her "sweet legs" with helping the Gators.

So even though I am not a huge fan of football in general, I am a fan of anything that brings such joy to David and brings the kids closer to their Daddy. And no matter who wins (please let it be the Gators), I will be happy that my favorite 3 people had a great time watching the game together. Welcome back football (and more importantly DAVID)!

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