Thursday, September 24, 2009

The salute

One time we were at David and Bay's office to meet them for lunch. We were out of the car sort of milling around out front, waiting. Shortly, Bay came out and headed towards us. We were now standing with him when David's boss came out, followed closely by David. David walked over to the boss's car, opened the door. The boss got in. David closed the door. And David came to attention and saluted the driver's side of the car where the boss was sitting. The boss, of course, saluted back. We all thought very little about it, as it is just a military custom that we all take for granted, I guess.

The next time Bay was leaving our house, Spencer followed him out to his car. Once Bay had closed the door, Spencer looked up at him with a big proud grin and saluted. Bay, of course, saluted back. And a tradition was born. Now every time Bay leaves, Spencer salutes him as he is leaving. Unfortunately, I have never had the camera with me. I don't always remember that Spencer is preparing to give a parting salute, even though he never forgets.

Poor David always leaves SO early, if he is here at all, so Spencer has never really had the chance to walk him to the car.
Until today.
Spencer followed him out and even closed his door for him.
And then he saluted.
David, of course, saluted back.


MaryBeth said...

What a sweet boy!!

Carrie said...


Jason and Amy said...

How sweet! Definitely a priceless memory. Glad you got a photo of it. Things like Spencer saluting Bay and David are what make all those many days we spend alone, while our military men are off defending freedom worthwhile!

Aunt Barb said...

Priceless indeed. I think it needs to be on tv. What a great message.