Friday, October 23, 2009

Was this a good idea?

We are all really excited because Mimi and Poppy and May are visiting. They came because we are about to have a birthday party and Halloween. We are so happy that they can be here to share in all these special times. Really, we are thrilled.

May and Mimi always bring surprises when they visit. They have spoiled these children ROTTEN. Seriously. Momma had to label all the bags in the trunk - "surprises" and "birthday" and "unbirthday" (for Spencer) and "Halloween." Oh. My.

So after their arrival there is always lots of opening of gifts and fun times. Spencer got some cool dinosaurs that make noise. Jessa got a Hello Kitty purse. They each got a couple outfits and shoes. Jessa got a Hello Kitty game. Spencer got some plastic dinosaurs. All of these were cool surprises. They were all fun and exciting. Then my dear sweet grandmother, Mimi brought one more treat for her great grand babies. And I have to ask, was it a good idea? You be the judge.

In the spirit of Halloween, she brought this awesome face painting make up stuff. Awesome.

Jessa wanted to open it and test it out almost immediately. It being a school night, we looked to see what would be needed to remove it. Cold Cream. May asked, "Does anyone have any Cold Cream?" No one did. Mimi, bless her heart said, "Oh, we'll get it off." Really? You sure? Then Bay asked, "Wait, do you have sour cream?" Yes! I did. And I also had cream cheese. And May pointed out that they were both "cold" since they were in the fridge. So we turned her loose. And I began writing the note to her teacher in my head: "Please forgive Jessa's appearance at school today, but sour cream is not a good make-up remover."

On a school night. With no cold cream,

Thanks Mimi.
You shouldn't have.
P.S. Jess may have ruined a hand towel, but it mostly all came off. And we still love Mimi!

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